Our People


Our company’s Human Resources Mission Statement is simple – our business philosophy is based upon the view and the belief that people are not merely employees; they are fundamentally part of everything that makes our vision of being a great company, a reality.

Our recruitment policy is not just aimed at filling gaps, it is pro-actively focussed on identifying and developing internal potential, as well as, bringing into the organization  the skills and experience that will support our strategic and overall business objectives. For this reason, we employ selection processes that will assist us in attracting candidates of excellent quality to our company – candidates who will add value to our total purpose.


Our equal opportunity policy is based on the principle of opportunities for everybody. We reject window-dressing and tokenism and believe it to be in everyone’s interest to know that growth and development in the company takes place on the grounds of merit, rather than race or any other criteria, which we see as being irrelevant to a person’s capacity to do the required work.

All employees have the right to work in an environment that is free of any form of harassment or unfair discrimination as a result of race, creed, colour, gender, faith, political orientation, age, marital status or handicap.

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